International Film Festival
June film fest
TrnavaSee you in June 2025!

The successful first year of the June Film Fest international film festival was held on 5-9 June 2024 in Trnava.
The international jury formed by Kamila Zlatusková (producentka, scenáristka, riaditeľka medzinárodného televízneho festivalu „Serial Killer" z Českej republiky), Barbara Janišová Féglová, (producer, president of the Slovak Documentary Film Association from Slovakia) and Ivan Shvedoff (Russian actor, active since the beginning of the 90s and lives in Prague), awarded two special recognitions in addition to the main prize.
Zlatú lipu za najlepší film v súťaži hraných debutov „Prvý dotyk" was won by the Kazakh film Bauryn Sala (Adopted Son) directed by Askhat Kuchinchirekov.
The jury also recognized the quality of the films selected for the competition by awarding them two special recognitions. Prvé putuje do Francúzska vďaka sociálno-spoločenskej snímke "Slušný židovský chlapec" režiséra Noého Debrého a druhé získala americká absurdná komédia "Mama sedí na gauči!" od Režiséra Niclasa Larssona.
Outstanding Contribution Award won by Karol Roden and Jan Svěrák.
The international jury formed by Kamila Zlatusková (producentka, scenáristka, riaditeľka medzinárodného televízneho festivalu „Serial Killer" z Českej republiky), Barbara Janišová Féglová, (producer, president of the Slovak Documentary Film Association from Slovakia) and Ivan Shvedoff (Russian actor, active since the beginning of the 90s and lives in Prague), awarded two special recognitions in addition to the main prize.
Zlatú lipu za najlepší film v súťaži hraných debutov „Prvý dotyk" was won by the Kazakh film Bauryn Sala (Adopted Son) directed by Askhat Kuchinchirekov.
The jury also recognized the quality of the films selected for the competition by awarding them two special recognitions. Prvé putuje do Francúzska vďaka sociálno-spoločenskej snímke "Slušný židovský chlapec" režiséra Noého Debrého a druhé získala americká absurdná komédia "Mama sedí na gauči!" od Režiséra Niclasa Larssona.
Outstanding Contribution Award won by Karol Roden and Jan Svěrák.
See you in June 2025!
We already know, they will be at the first year of the international film festival June Film Fest!
And they will be with you, the audience, because, as is well known, they would not exist without you. This is also the basic idea of the upcoming festival. To bring films and creators as close as possible to what the film needs. To the audience.
There is a beginning of something huge, although this year it will have more modest and smaller but still spectacular set up. But come and see for yourself! That is how you express your support for the idea, where love for film art is a natural and inseparable part of life.
There is a beginning of something huge, although this year it will have more modest and smaller but still spectacular set up. But come and see for yourself! That is how you express your support for the idea, where love for film art is a natural and inseparable part of life.
Festival program
At the 2024 edition, you could have seen following projections:
The First Touch competition was won by: Bauryna salu (Adopted)
crime, drama
2023116 min.Ashil • IR, DE, FRDirector(s): Farhad Delaramdrama
Bauryna salu (Adopted)
2023113 min.Bauryna salu • KZDirector(s): Askhat Kuchinchirekovcomedy
Bethlehem Light
2022100 min.Betlémske světlo • CZDirector(s): Jan Sverák
Our Little Village
201845 min.A mi kis falunk • HUDirector(s): Iván Kapitány
I don't want to leave now
20227 min.Ja ešte nechcem odísť • SKDirector(s): Klára Fedora Homzovádrama
2023120 min.Kalak • DK, SE, GL, FI, NL, NODirector(s): Isabella Eklöfthriller
Knox Go Away
2023114 min.Knox go away • USADirector(s): Michael Keatondrama, historical
2023120 min.Kos • PL, SE, DEDirector(s): Pawel Maslona
Melancholic Chicken
1999117 min.Kuře melancholik • CZDirector(s): Jaroslav Brabec
drama, comedy
Mother, Couch!
202396 min.Mother, Couch • UKDirector(s): Niclas Larssoncomedy
Lucky Winners
2024103 min.Heureux Gagnants • FRDirector(s): Maxime Govare, Romain Choaydrama, biographical
Soviet Milk
2023110 min.Mātes piens • LVDirector(s): Inara Kolmane
202445 min.Mozaika • CZDirector(s): Jasmina Blaževič, Lenka Wimmerová
Short film
The best place in the world
202225 min.Najkrajší kút v šírom svete • SKDirector(s): Róbert Mihálydrama, biographical
Dance First
2023100 min.Dance First • USDirector(s): James Marsh
About time
202445 min.Najvyšší čas • SKDirector(s): Lukáš Zednikovičdrama
Forever - Forever
2023107 min.Nazavzhdy - Nazavzhdy • UA, NLDirector(s): Anna Buryachkovaromantic drama
Let Me Go
202393 min.Laissez-moi • FR, CH, BEDirector(s): Maxime Rappazdrama
An Endless Sunday
2023115 min.Una sterminata domenica • IT, DE, IEDirector(s): Alain Parronidrama, romance, sci-fi, thriller
The Beast
2023146 min.La Bête • FR, CADirector(s): Bertrand Bonellohoror, mystery, thriller
Nightwatch: Demons Are Forever
2023110 min.Nattevagten - Dæmoner går i arv • DKDirector(s): Ole Bornedaldrama, comedy
2017111 min.Po strništi bos • CZDirector(s): Jan Sverák
comedy, thriller
202398 min.Coup! • USDirector(s): Joseph Schuman, Austin Stark
Short film
Whisper of Freedom
202316 min.Whisper of freedom • SKDirector(s): Anna Ahalijeva
Sex O'Clock II. séria
202430 min.Sex O'Clock II. séria • CZ, SKDirector(s): Jan Bártek, Karolína Zalabákovádrama, comedy
A Good Jewish Boy
202489 min.Le dernier des Juifs • FRDirector(s): Noé Debrémystery thriller
2024122 min.Smršť • SK, CZDirector(s): Peter Bebjak
2024126 min.Sujo • MX, US, FRDirector(s): Astrid Rondero, Fernanda Valadezcomedy drama
Dance Matilda
2023113 min.Tancuj Matyldo • CZDirector(s): Petr Slavík
Short film
This Peculiar Day
202319 min.Tento divný deň • SKDirector(s): Emília Ondriášovácomedy
A Late Dinner
202186 min.Večírek • CZDirector(s): Michal Suchánek
Forever young
202445 min.Večne mladí • SK, CZDirector(s): Jan Hřebejkcrime, action, thriller
War of the Cops
2024150 min.Vojna policajtov • SK, CZDirector(s): Rudolf BiermannPhoto report
Press news
Meet: June Film fest
JUFF will open cinemas this Wednesday
A weekend marked by interesting films, series and first-class music
The stars of the Czech-Slovak showbusiness did not miss the premiere of the international film festival
Soon, Trnava will live not only with movies!
The big international film party is unstoppably approaching
Bauryna Sala won the first Zlatá Lipa
Film Festival
5.6. - 9.6.
VIP Cinepass, Cinepass, 3-day Cinepass, 1-day Cinepass and Senior Cinepass available
IMT Smile
June 8th | 20:00
The concert of the legendary Slovak band IMT Smile, which will take place in the Trnava amphitheater
Partička CZ&SK
June 7th | 18:00
Popular musical-humorous improvisation session, which includes the audience